
Holistic Medicine Practitioner

Helping you live healthier and empowering your sustainable wellness is our passion! As a holistic health practitioner and nutrigenomics specialist, providing transformative guidance that addresses the source of your concerns is personal to our health coach on your team. 

With Wellness Refresh supporting your health aspirations, you receive a depth of compassionate support that balances proven holistic medicine with one-on-one health coaching to enrich all aspects of your well-being. 

Our caring and knowledgeable holistic medicine practitioner can help you: 

  • Identify the root causes of pain, disease, mental health conditions, and many other health concerns.
  • Develop an organized plan that promotes sustainable wellness through optimal nutrition, clean living, and other natural approaches. 
  • Remain on track toward your health goals with accessible support and empathetic guidance that evolves with your progress.

More than helping you treat the temporary symptoms, our health coaching will teach you how to integrate our practical wellness insights into your daily routine. Where Western medicine falls short and primarily focuses on treating superficial aches, our holistic medicine expertise is rooted in safe and natural solutions that work in harmony with your body on a genetic level. 

holistic medicine practitioner

What is Holistic Medicine? 

Holistic medicine addresses all aspects of an individual’s wellness. This includes physical health, mental well-being, and for many, spiritual balance as well. To support all realms of the wellness equation, our approach to holistic family medicine incorporates evidence-based elements of functional medicine/nutrition, Chinese medicine, and nutrigenomics to promote objective health benefits and a lifetime of disease prevention. 

At Wellness Refresh, our functional medicine coach bridges the gap between proven medicinal wisdom and modernized diagnostics to improve the quality of each plan. To help our clients discover newfound vitality and recover from disruptive conditions or chronic pain, our holistic family medicine practice provides- 

  • Informative nutrigenomics, epigenetic, EDS and functional medicine testing to improve beyond the average doctor or nutritionist recommendations. As certified nutrigenomics specialists, we can help you develop a curated nutrition plan tailored to your body on a cellular level. Instead of offering general nutrition recommendations based on symptoms alone, we explore the intricacies of your DNA profile before connecting you with an intentional plan to support healthy cellular function, effective detox processes, and balanced homeostasis for healing that happens from within.

Holistic Medicine Can Help With a Wide Range of Health Conditions

With our holistic medicine support and individualized nutritional insights, our caring practitioner supports clients who are hoping to solve, reduce, or prevent: 

  • Low energy levels and fatigue
  • Diseases associated with family genetics
  • Issues caused by deficiencies and imbalances
  • Disruptive mental health conditions
  • Sleep and stress problems
  • Migraine, joint, muscle, and nervous-system pains
  • & Many other health problems that can be alleviated with safe and natural holistic solutions

Since holistic medicine support covers all realms of wellness, providing effective care is only possible with better planning and a deeper understanding of your needs. Below, we explore how our client-centric health coaching programs can lead to swifter healing, meaningful improvements, and actionable lifestyle adjustments that are easier to implement. 

Individualized Care 

While learning how to detox, prevent disease, and overcome health hurdles, you can expect to flourish with an inclusive care model, unlike any other health care you have ever received! Our practitioners have first-hand experience with the pitfalls associated with our modern medical system. They are on a mission to shield our clients from the artificial chemicals and costly procedures that Western medicine continues to promote. 

Instead of treating you like a series of symptoms, our health coaching process is more like a collaborative partnership where we work together to solve the health puzzle. We look beyond the symptoms because adequately supporting your long-term growth involves much more than fixing temporary problems. In addition to learning all about your current situation, our holistic family medicine practice will help you evaluate all other important factors. We look 

holistic health coaching

at necessary topics like your environmental exposure, and lifestyle habits that may influence your situation, and other crucial aspects of your overall health and well-being. 

As a result of our broader focus, we can often identify issues and potential sources of disease that are seemingly unrelated to the symptoms. For example, perhaps habits like lack of exercise or frequent fast food consumption are contributing to your mental health concerns. Whatever we discover together will help you calibrate your entire situation for health success. As a result, our goal is to help you transition away from unhealthy factors towards a more sustainable plan that makes you feel and function better with each passing day.  

Preventive Focus 

All of the health coaching insights we provide connect with the future of your health. While many of our recommendations do solve the temporary needs, fueling your body with healthier nutrition and cleaner lifestyle choices will naturally prevent future problems, too! That’s why we are so passionate about holistic medicine and nutrigenomics; nature has the answers, and by finding harmony with the foods and daily choices we make, preventing disease and living longer can happen without the need for questionable, artificial, and expensive medical practices. 

To further support your preventative health plan, our holistic health center’s programs come with open-ended guidance as you achieve your milestones. For example, perhaps your original goal is to lose weight and detox. As you get closer to your goal or your health aspirations change, we make it easy to adjust the treatment plan and are here to accommodate your needs in any way we can. 

For other preventative goals, such as minimizing disease risk factors associated with family genetics, we are your all-in-one resource to defend your body against numerous conditions and diseases. As nutrigenomics experts, our specialists can help you develop a preventative nutrition plan to addressing your health related to:

  • Obesity
  • Cancer 
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Neurological Conditions
  • & More

And, best of all, reducing the risks associated with these serious concerns can all be accomplished with natural and environmentally-friendly products that synergize with our bodies on a molecular level! In many cases, seemingly unavoidable diseases can be prevented entirely by restoring our bodies with the appropriate supply of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 


Enrich Your Health With Our Caring Practitioner Today

Your needs and goals are always in focus at the center of each treatment. Excellence in health coaching is both scientific and personal, and we do our best to bridge the gap seamlessly. With our dedicated practitioner supporting you, you can always expect: 

  • Discreet & Judgement-Free Guidance
  • Inclusive Plan Development & Care Adjustments
  • Evidence-Based Holistic Health Recommendations
  • Natural & Environmentally-Friendly Products
  • Accessible & Affordable Online Support

Ready to uplift your health, detox your cells, and build a balanced foundation of sustainable well-being? Our holistic family medicine practice has an open-door policy. Get in touch with our coaches for proactive health education, complex problem-solving, and support with any other  personal wellness goals.

Interested in other beneficial services such as genetic testing or want to learn more about our processes before your first session? We encourage you to browse our blog, subscribe to our page, and contact our caring coaches when you’re ready to design a healthier wellness plan!




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