
Medical-Grade Supplements

Powering your body with the correct nutrients is our dedication at Wellness Refresh! Addressing underlying nutritional needs is a key factor in all aspects of wellness, and when the appropriate supplements are integrated, healing and maintaining an enriched quality of life can happen naturally. 

As a functional medicine practitioner specializing in nutrigenomics and Traditional Chinese Medicine, our holistic approach to wellness begins with a better understanding of you. To help you define an optimal supplementation plan, our personalized nutrition coaching uplifts wellness with: 

  • Advanced diagnostic options: Learn more about your nutritional needs and identify the true source of your health concerns with valuable diagnostic tools such as epigenetics, methylation, and functional medicine testing.
  • Discovery & collaboration: Our care revolves around an in-depth discovery process and synergistic client connections. More than providing evidence-based supplement recommendations, you gain a committed and understanding ally who takes the time to address all lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your health concerns.  
  • Natural and environmentally-friendly products: We exclusively recommend medical-grade supplements from reputable companies that share our commitment to environmentally sustainable sourcing and lab-verified purity.  

Nature has the answers, and our caring practitioner is here to help you find those answers. If you are hoping to reduce distressing symptoms, solve chronic health concerns, or protect your long-term well-being with a more sustainable approach to health, then medical-grade supplements may be exactly what your body needs to thrive.

pharmaceutical grade Supplements

Characteristics of Medical-Grade Supplements

Several defining qualities set medical-grade supplements apart from your average herbal supplement that can be purchased over the counter. 

Similar to the strict FDA regulations that pharmaceutical manufacturers must adhere to, medical-grade supplements are: 

  • Tested for purity: Neutral third-party testing is used to verify the accuracy of the product contents, ensure they meet label claims, and meet/exceed the highest purity standards. The supplements must be free of fillers, binders, inactive additives, and contaminants like pesticides or heavy metals. 
  • Bioavailable: Medical-grade supplements are designed to be easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Unlike untested supplements that may not actually work because of fillers or slow absorption rates before passing through the digestive system, the purity of medical-grade supplements ensures that the targeted nutrients fulfill their intended purpose. 
  • Backed by clinical research and studies: The best supplements are backed by credible information related to safety and efficacy. We exclusively recommend medical-grade supplements with a proven track record for improving wellness outcomes! 



Supplements Are Used To Address Specific Health Needs or Nutritional Deficiencies  

Our immersive dietary guidance supports a wide range of health goals. From chronic aches and pains to distressing mental health concerns, migraines, and insomnia, our adaptable guidance opens the doors to newfound relief and freedom from the issues that have been limiting your life. 

Targeting the source of severe conditions and concerns with nutrition aims to build a better foundation from within. When your cells have the fuel they need to function properly, a cascade of benefits can emerge. Even if you are only seeking support for a single problem, correcting a dietary deficiency can provide multiple improvements when your body finally receives what it needs.

Who Should Take Supplements? 

Medical-grade supplements are primarily utilized to address specific diseases, deficiencies, or conditions, but anyone hoping to improve their fundamental wellness and vitality can benefit from a targeted supplement plan.

Since medical-grade supplements are most commonly used to address a specific health need, we encourage you to get in touch with our health coach if any of these apply to you: 

  • Athletes & active individuals: Those who exercise frequently can often benefit from a tailored supplement plan to promote optimal muscle recovery and sustainable performance levels.
medical grade supplements
  • Pregnant & breastfeeding women: Both mama and baby can benefit from a well-defined supplement plan that supports growth, healthy milk supply, and balanced hormonal/emotional regulation. 
  • Elderly individuals: As we age, changes in appetite, metabolism, and the emergence of new health concerns can be addressed with a personalized supplement plan to manage deficiencies and diseases and improve overall health.
  • Alternative diets: Anyone who follows a specific diet, such as vegan, keto, or carnivore, may lack specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can be replaced with the right supplements. 
  • Specific health concerns: Many diseases and internal imbalances can be alleviated or treated by introducing nutrients that work in harmony with your body on a genetic level. 

As you can see, medical-grade supplements support a broad range of health goals related to proactive general wellness and specific treatments for individuals in all walks of life. Wherever you are on the road to optimal health and sustainable wellness, we would love to help you find a better way forward.   

To learn more about our natural and collaborative approach to healing on a cellular level, get in touch with our caring practitioner for a helpful consultation today!  




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