
Why Zero Self-Care Leaves You Unequipped To Conquer The Day


I don’t have time for that!

I’ve got too many things on my plate.

I am taking care of everyone else.

I just don’t have the time or energy. 

What happens when you don’t prioritize self-care

We are living in a world that operates at a frenetic pace. When you are constantly on-the-go without taking time for self-care, it takes a toll and increases the rate of burnout (Lawler et. Al, 2021). We are then less able to take care of ourselves and our families physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Finding even 10 minutes every day to find balance in whatever way feels good to you is helpful. Whether that means finding time in nature, exercising, taking a bath, reading a book, etc., it all counts! It’s about supporting yourself and your needs and you’ll be better equipped to conquer the day and be there for those around you. You'll soon find that taking time for self-care actually gives you extra energy, physically, mentally and emotionally.