
Epigenetic Testing & Gene Expression

Did you know that lifestyle and environmental factors can influence how our genes operate? Epigenetics explores how variables like diet, exercise, environment, and behavior change the way cells read and interpret genetic instructions. 

Why is this important? A better understanding of how lifestyle choices and environmental factors influence genetic activity can be used to promote positive changes in all areas of health. When we take steps to maintain optimal cellular functionality at the genetic level, a cascade of tangible life improvements can emerge. When epigenetic testing is paired with targeted wellness planning, uplifting outcomes ranging from brighter moods and energy levels to disease prevention and overall longevity become attainable health goals. 

epigenetic testing

How Does Epigenetics Work?

How do epigenetic changes influence the way our DNA operates? Epigenetics and gene expression refer to how or when a gene is turned on (expressed) or turned off in response to lifestyle factors. In other words, an environmental or dietary influence can alter what happens when cells interact with genes, such as what protein should be created or how much of a specific hormone should be released when a gene is switched on or off.

Delving deeper into the mechanisms of epigenetics, there are three primary ways that epigenetic changes influence DNA gene expression. For clarification, here’s a simplified explanation of DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNA processes. 

DNA Methylation Influences How Genes Are Turned On or Off

Methylation occurs when a methyl group of one carbon and three hydrogen atoms (CH₃) attach to specific sections of DNA. After this methyl group is added, it can block the binding of proteins that are responsible for gene activity. For example, if a methyl group blocks a protein that is responsible for initiating cell reproduction, cell replication will be prevented. This process of attaching and detaching is constantly cycling, causing genes to turn on and off and influencing how our cells interact with the ever-changing genetic instructions. 

Diet and environmental factors directly influence this important methylation interaction. Correcting issues with methylation is especially important for many individuals with a genetic defect or variation that impairs their ability to maintain proper gene regulation.

As a result, methylation and its opposing chemical reaction, de-methylation, can contribute to healthy internal balance or unhealthy disease and disharmony. With helpful processes like genetic methylation testing, our holistic practitioner can help you identify if you have a genetic defect that might negatively impact your methylation processes. After identifying your body’s exact genetic needs, we can help you integrate targeted nutrients and lifestyle choices that support optimally regulated methylation pathways. 

Histone Modification Affects How Easily a Gene Can Be Read

Histone modification is a chemical reaction that changes the shape of proteins (histones) that DNA wraps around. When histones are tightly packed, it's harder for proteins to reach the DNA and activate the gene, so the gene stays off. When histones are loosely packed, more DNA is accessible to proteins, allowing them to turn the gene on. 

Much like the methylation process outlined above, DNA accessibility has direct implications for cell functionality. Similar to methylation processes, epigenetics has revealed that healthy lifestyle changes and the right nutrients can inhibit and/or enhance histone modification, with outcomes ranging from optimal cellular function to properly regulated hormonal balance.  

Non-Coding RNA Helps to Control Gene Activity

DNA provides the instruction manual for making two types of RNA, or ribonucleic acid, a molecule that is crucial for many cellular activities. Coding RNA is responsible for initiating protein creation, and non-coding RNA influences gene expression. Non-coding RNA helps control gene activity by blocking the coding RNA molecules from making proteins and/or by modifying histone accessibility to switch genes on or off.

Closely related to the methylation and histone processes, the symbiosis of these processes affects coding and non-coding RNA interactions, all of which are influenced by epigenetic factors like nutrition and exercise. If the DNA methylation cycles and histone modification interactions are operating correctly, nearby non-coding RNA molecules are triggered to initiate or deactivate accordingly. 

Why does this matter? When our coding and non-coding RNA interact cohesively, genetic activity is optimized, we benefit from normal cellular function and reduce our disease susceptibility. 

    How Can Your Epigenetics Change?

    Everything we eat, do, think, and experience has the power to modify our epigenetic profile over time. Even before we are born, our mothers’ dietary choices and environmental stressors influence our genetic makeup and how our cells respond to the world around them. All through development and adulthood, the choices we make and the environments we encounter continue to shape the way our epigenetic profile unfolds. 

    Unlike inherited genetics that remain largely unchanged through life, not all epigenetic changes are permanent. Many negative epigenetic factors caused by habits such as excessive smoking or drinking can be reversed and repaired when these influences are removed or reduced in our lifestyles. 

    This is why a deeper understanding of epigenetics can provide hope in many realms of health. Many diseases, disorders, and mental health conditions that were seemingly unsolvable can now be addressed with targeted lifestyle and nutrition changes that correct the underlying issues on a genetic level. For example, if an individual has a genetic mutation predisposing them to a disease such as cancer, epigenetic testing and appropriate medical-grade supplementation can be used to replace deficiencies or restore optimal cellular function and prevent problematic cell replication patterns. 

    Epigenetic Changes May Have Long-Term Health Effects 

    Just like many diseases and conditions are reversible when the correct lifestyle or nutrition changes are integrated, many of these reversible and healing outcomes have far-reaching benefits. For example, by removing toxins and lifestyle stressors that have been negatively influencing your genetic processes, the restorative nature of these epigenetic changes boosts immune function, reduces systemic inflammation, and can improve cellular function from head to toe. 


    epigenetic changes

    Epigenetics, Stress, & Beneficial Health Outcomes

    Best of all, promising epigenetic studies have revealed that epigenetic changes can inspire change long after the stimulus is received. This interaction can be either positive or negative, enriching health or causing future problems. For example, repeated exposure to pollution and dietary toxins can have far-reaching consequences that negatively impact cell division, weight management, and hormonal balance. Alternatively, building our lives around healthy nutrition, relaxing wellness practices, and uplifting environmental influences provides the fuel for longevity and balanced cellular performance. 

    While a stress hormone was used as the variable in this publication, the promising research indicates that our cells retain epigenetic information. By integrating healthier choices and the right nutrients, the result is a healthier cellular foundation where optimal activity and internal balance become the new baseline. At Wellness Refresh, helping you build this sustainable baseline of optimal epigenetic functionality is our specialty!

    Types of Epigenetic Tests

    To empower your wellness, we connect our clients with a variety of useful options to explore the intricacies of your genetic needs. A great first test to consider, 3X4 genetic testing provides a big-picture genetic blueprint. Designed to be concise and easy to understand, this empowering test connects the dots between your specific genetic coding and targeted health recommendations to solve specific problems and support overall wellness. 

    Perfect for pairing with 3X4 genetic testing, epigenetic testing is utilized to determine cellular aging. Evaluating your genetic markers through epigenetic testing is a wonderful way to compare your cellular age versus your chronological age and can help you determine if lifestyle changes such as an improved diet, exercise, or a personalized detoxification protocol can be used to help you slow the genetic clock down! 

    We also recommend genetic methylation testing to identify any defects or variations that may require intervention. Even if you don’t have a specific genetic issue, this invaluable test is a powerful catalyst for healthier lifestyle choices through personalized genetic information. 

    Our genetic testing options are provided by reputable third-party labs specializing in accurate genetic analysis. After collecting your epigenetic testing data, we will help you develop a collaborative plan to address any underlying deficiencies and outline actionable steps you can take to begin improving your health with natural and sustainable solutions. 


    Discover Transformative Health Improvements With Better Information

    Helping you restore health and maintain optimal balance is our dedication to every test and personalized evaluation. We are experts in the field and strive to simplify your results in a way that is easy to understand, simple to implement, and designed to enrich holistic health with nutritional and lifestyle wisdom that coordinates with your genetic needs. 

    To learn more about our empowering genetic tests and follow-up guidance, our compassion and expertise come without obligation. Get in touch with our caring practitioner for resources and factual insights, and discover the many ways we can help you heal from within. 




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