
Genetic Code 

Each human body has its own unique genetic code which makes up trillions of cells in our bodies. This code determines everything from eye color to susceptibility to disease to sugar cravings. Scientists believe we have influence on our genetic code based on the nutrients that go into our bodies. Let's discuss how this works through the basics of nutrition and nutritional genomic testing. Genetic testing is one of the easiest way to make sure your individual needs are met.

What Is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics, or nutritional genomics, studies how food affects gene expression and ultimately, how we feel. Scientists use this information to understand why some diets work better than others for various populations. With advances in nutrigenomics, scientists are also hoping to develop new ways to prevent and treat diseases. The Nutrition Society delves into more here if you are interested https://www.nutritionsociety.org/blog/nutrigenomics-basics

Why Should You Care About Nutritional Genomics & Why the Basics of Nutrition Are Important?

If you eat healthy foods and/or take the proper medical grade supplements, you will live longer and stay healthier. However, there are other reasons to care about nutritional genomics besides just living longer. There are many kinds of diseases, and scientists believe that nutrition plays a vital role in how disease is formed in our bodies. You know the saying, “You are what you eat.”

How Does Nutrition Affect Gene Expression?

Let’s talk about the basics of what genes do to better understand how nutrients affect gene expression. Genes are made up of DNA and DNA is made up of four different chemicals called nucleotides. The four chemicals that comprise nucleotides are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (g), and cytosine (C). Nucleotides come in pairs with combinations of A, C, G, or T as its base. The bases make up our genetic code and the genetic code tells cells when to turn on or off. Keep in mind that this can mean activating or deactivating, or turning on or off, cells responsible for diseases like cancer or cardiovascular disease.

How Can Foods Change Gene Expression?

There are two main ways that food can influence gene expression: epigenetics and nutrigenomics. Epigenetics is how diet, and your environment can change how your genes work or how your genes are expressed. Nutritional genomics is the study of how your genes respond to nutrients. It is the relationship between nutrients, diet, and genetic expression.

Nutritional genomics is an incredibly powerful tool in personalized care for disease prevention and optimizing day-to-day wellbeing.

How Do We Know Certain Foods Are Good for Us?

We know that nutrition affects gene expression, but how? Let's talk about the basics of nutrition and how our bodies break down food into smaller molecules to create energy for all the cellular processes needed to live. The molecules that are broken down are called metabolites. When metabolites enter our cells, they interact with proteins, called transcription factors. These transcription factors control what genes are turned on or off. You can see quickly that the metabolites from ultra-processed food vs. organic vegetables for instance will behave very differently and therefore affect genetic expression differently.

How Does Nutritional Genomics Testing Work?

Genetic testing is an easy and painless process without blood draws or needles. We order cheek swab/saliva test kits from 3X4 Genetics, 23andMe or Ancenstry.com. Once you receive your kit, you’ll follow the instructions and fill the collection tube with your saliva and send the kit in to the corresponding company (3X4 Genetics, 23andMe or Ancestry.com) for analysis. Genetic testing results typically take around three to four weeks to process. Once your results are processed, Wellness Refresh further analyzes your results for a personalized wellness plan. We take the basics of nutrition and tailor a supplement regimen specific to your genetic needs.

What Do You Find Out from the Tests?

Genetic testing gives us information about your genetic variants or mutations and how they affect how you feel and how you respond to different nutrients. The report gives insight into your SNPs, or single nucleotide polymorphism. SNPs are genetic variations in your unique genetic code that can affect how you feel and how you respond to diet and supplements. Not all SNPs are problematic. However, we can determine what SNPs could be affecting your health and optimize your health outcomes with a personalized wellness plan based on your report that is unique to you and you alone.

What Health Categories Are Tested?

There are MANY categories analyzed, but let’s talk about some of the basics. We look at how your body processes different Vitamins, Minerals and Omega 3 Fatty Acids, how efficiently you’re able to Detoxify, and we look at broad categories such as Cardiovascular Health, Gastrointestinal Health, Glucose Metabolism, Energy and Fitness, Immune Health, Cognitive Health and Memory, and Metabolic and Weight Management, to name a few. We can also dive in deeper and investigate SNPs relating to things like COVID or how you respond to “fillers” (excipients) in various drugs or products. The skies the limit with genetic testing!

So, What’s Next?

After we go through your nutritional genomic testing and talk about your individualized findings, we look into what supplements and lifestyle factors go into how to make you feel your best! Instead of just disease management, we look at disease prevention. We look at wellness solutions, not temporary fixes. 

You will then start taking your medical grade supplements and we will continue seeing how you feel and if we need to change anything based on changing needs. It is truly individualized wellness care at its finest. Nutritional genomic testing is how we get you to feel your best!

We are excited to hear from you and get you on your way to your health potential.

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