
Earthing Mats (also called grounding mats) are a revolutionary earth-based healing system that improve deep sleep, reduce fatigue and soreness, and boost overall wellness. This natural process relies on the Earth’s energy to provide you with an abundance of health benefits. Learn more about the benefits of grounding mats in our comprehensive blog post.

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What is Earthing? 

Earthing is the process of connecting to earth’s energy with bare skin. When you touch the earth with your bare skin, the earth gives your body electrons, a term you may have heard of in high school chemistry class. 

Why does this matter? Your body functions through a series of chemical reactions. Some of these reactions create what are called free radicals, or oxidative stress, that can contribute to inflammation and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s to name a few. Some oxidative stress is good in certain situations because it alerts the body to various pathogens, like viruses, bacteria, pollution, etc. However, with all the toxins we experience in today’s society, our oxidative stress is at an all-time high.

This is where antioxidants come in. Antioxidants combat free radicals by giving electrons to the free radicals thereby neutralizing them. The earth is one of the best natural antioxidants around because of its ability to give the body electrons which then stops free radicals in their tracks.

Earthing mats, or grounding mats, provide the same benefit as putting your bare feet on the earth. By plugging an earthing mat into a grounded outlet and touching the conductive side of the earthing mat, your body can absorb the free electrons from the grounding mat. Earthing mats are like an extension cord to the earth’s antioxidant benefits. There are many health benefits from grounding. Let's discuss the benefits of grounding mats and what they can do for you!

Reduces Pain

Earthing Mats are incredibly beneficial for anyone who experiences regular pain and headaches. The grounding energy helps on a cellular level to optimize hormone levels, like cortisol, and lowers stress. It can be used during migraines or any other type of pain to assist your cells to function their best.

I can have a lot of muscle aches and pains because of a genetic connective tissue disorder, called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I use my earthing mat daily, and it really does take the edge off the chronic pain I experience. It is a passive way to support your cells as all you have to do is touch it, sit on it, or put your feet on it.

Improves Sleep Quality

Sleeping on an Earthing Mat promotes better sleep quality and can even help reduce insomnia. This is because grounding yourself with the energy of the Earth helps to regulate your body’s circadian rhythms, which control hormone production and sleep patterns. Research has shown that those who have used Earthing Mats for extended periods have achieved improved sleep quality. I can certainly attest to this. It has been a game-changer for me for sleep. I have better quality sleep, duration, and feelings of being well-rested.

Promotes Stress Relief

Stress relief is possibly one of the biggest benefits of Earthing mats. Spending time grounding your body can help to reduce stress and tension, as well as promote a sense of calmness. By improving your energy flow, Earthing can help to reduce inflammation throughout your body, leading to a greater feeling of relaxation and peacefulness.

Improves Overall Well Being

In addition to its stress reducing benefits, Earthing can improve overall well being by boosting the body’s energy and improving cell regeneration. Through Earthing, our bodies are able to absorb the positive Earth energies that surround us and use these to generate more vitality and strength. The regular practice of grounding oneself helps to bring balance back into the body's system, leading to improved overall health and wellness.

Helps Balance the Body's Natural Electric Charges

Earthing helps balance the body’s natural electric charges, restoring it back to its optimal state. This increased balance can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation, as well as support a higher level of vitality. When lying on an Earthing mat for a period of time, it is believed that the mat acts much like a sponge soaking up the body’s negative charge and dispelling it back into the Earth. This process can help restore balance to the body and release excess tension.

How Often Should I Use My Earthing Mat?

As often as you can! I sleep on mine so that I can get as much benefit as possible. There are also grounding sheets, although I have not tried them yet. I sit on my grounding mat while I work as well.  Ideally, grounding is best connecting to the actual earth with bare skin. Being in nature has many health benefits. However, we can maximize the time we can earth/ground by using an earthing mat indoors. It’s convenient and you get the same health benefits!

Try starting off slowly and see how your body reacts. You can start with 20 minutes a day and work up from there. It is remarkable to start seeing the effects quickly from earthing. It has been such an incredible addition to my daily routine. Grounding has been one of the missing links to my feeling better. I would love to hear how grounding has helped you.

Where Can I Buy an Earthing Mat?

I buy my earthing products from Earthing. They have high quality products with evidence-based studies to support earthing products. They are a reputable company with wonderful products that I use daily. 

I'm happy to have shared the benefits of grounding mats and hope that you have fun getting grounded today! Happy earthing, let me know how you're feeling after!